Thursday, June 20, 2019

Define hate crime and the personal and social impact Essay

Define hate crime and the personal and social impact - Essay practiceopinion with respect to whether or not current hate crime law is either beneficial or detrimental to the system of criminal justice that exists within the United Kingdom. It is further hope of this author that such a level of discussion will be beneficial in shedding of concord with respect to crimes, is the further intention of this author to engage the reader with an appreciation of the fact for how crime and its interpretation/punishment has more and the ball with changes to society.In wrong of definition and understanding, it is essential to appreciate the fact that hate crimes have both a personal and societal impact. The personal impact is with respect to the way in which hate crimes impact upon the perpetrator as well as the victim (Gillis, 2013). The impact upon the perpetrator oft congeals to make them even more prejudiced than they efficiency have been before sometimes regardless of whether or not pu nishment was ever provided for the crime. Furthermore, hate crimes can have the impact of altering the world-view of the victim, causing apprehension attacks, and fundamentally changing the way that they engage with individuals in the future.Because of these effects, legislators and policymakers attempted to increase the overall penalties that are involved with respect to the crimes. The goal of this particular approach is to arrive at a situation in which the crimes are strong enough to dissuade individuals are ever perpetrated Pfc. However, the fundamental shortcoming with respect to this particular approach has to do with the fact that many individuals do not respond to the threat of increased criminal penalties prior to engaging in whatever form of criminal manner that they might be about to perpetrate (Spieldenner & Glenn, 2014). As such, the increased level of penalties for the crimes has become somewhat disproportionate with regard to other severe crimes that are oftentime s underage to a lesser degree this is especially true in places

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